How to get a Collection from Power Automate Flow using ParseJSON function in Power Apps Canvas App

Triggering a Power Automate flow from a Power Canvas App and receiving the result back is a fantastic way to enhance your app’s functionality. Below, I’ve provided step-by-step instructions on how to trigger a Power Automate flow from a Power Canvas App and return a collection within the app.

In this example, we’ll create a simple Power Automate flow that will be triggered from the Power Canvas App and return a collection of SharePoint list attachments to the app.

Step 1:

Build PA flow triggered from and response to Power Apps Canvas App

  • Select trigger from Power Apps (V2) > Add itemID as an input (Type: Integer).
  • Add action Get item > then action Get attachments.
  • Add the action Response to a Power App or flow > Add Text input > name it as Result and enter the output from above step.
  • Detail configuration as follows.

Step 2:

Create a collection of item attachments by calling the above PA flow and pass itemID from Power Apps Canvas App

  • Create a new Button in Power Canvas App.
  • Add below function for the OnSelect property:
		Table(ParseJSON( GetAttachmentsofSharepointListItem.Run(your_itemID).result )),
			Id: Text(Value.Id),
			AbsoluteUri: Text(Value.AbsoluteUri),
			DisplayName: Text(Value.DisplayName),
			'@odata.type': Text(Value.'@odata.type')

Last but not least, note that I am not focused on the basics, so if you need further assistance, feel free to let me know.

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