Azure Data Factory: Configure Linked Service to Business Central using OAuth 2.0

1. Access to Data factories in Azure Portal

2. Create a New Data Factory Instance or use the existing one

3. Launch Azure Data Factory Studio

4. Under Manage > Linked Services > New > OData

5. Configuration for New linked service:

  • Service principal key: Bta8Q~UJueOmsDY4qBxhgwLai1uW4GePEkXXXXY (that is Secret Key value under “Certificates & secrets” of App registration in Azure portal)

6. Snapshot for Configuration for New linked service

7. To Ingest data from Business Central, navigate to Home > Ingest >

8. Complete configuration for the whole process of Copy Data Tool

  • Properties: Run once now
  • Source: Configure as follows

Source type: All

Connection: OData_BusinessCentral_Connection (the linked service created above)

Source tables: select tables

  • Destination data store: Configure for your target destination to store data

E.g: Azure Blob Storage > select Azure subscription under Account selection method > select Storage account name > Create

  • Configuration for File format settings:

File format: DelimitedText > Column demiliter: Comma (,)

  • Settings:Task name = GetDataFromBusinessCentral
  • Review & Finish the whole process
  • Go to Author > Pipelines under Factory Resources > select GetDataFromBusinessCentral > Configure & edit the dataflow & add activity to the pipeline.

Now you can continue to configure the pipeline!

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